Chinatown Storytelling Centre (168 East Pender St.)
從食物的角度出發,我們將會看到怎樣的香港電影?食物帶來感官體驗,亦盛載了個人及集體回憶。因此,電影中的飲食場面也有著多重意義。食物作為符號,不但能呈現人物關係,亦從中紀錄社會變遷,以及不同時代的生活體驗。而因應電影類型,看似同樣的飲食場境 (例如,茶餐廳),卻可以帶來不一樣的觀感,當中對食物的味道表現也有所不同。是次講座將會透過香港電影中的食物描寫, 以探索光影世界中對食物及生活日常的想像。在相遇、記憶和懷舊之間,食物究竟在訴說甚麼故事?
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宋基延是備受歡迎的「Wok Around Chinatown」及「Wok Granville Island」導覽團的主理人,他將會介紹農曆年的各項習俗、忌諱。
December 4, 2021 - 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Foo Hung Curios, located next to our welcome lobby.
Foo Hung Curios is pleased to welcome Paul Yee, who will be on hand to sign books and say hello to old and new friends.
Paul Yee is a Governor General's Award Winning author, archivist, and historian who was born in Spalding, SK but grew up in Vancouver's Chinatown.
He is the author of numerous children's books inspired by his family and community and his 1988 book Saltwater City has become an important contribution to the history of the Chinese Canadian experience. Saltwater City is currently out of print but a number of editions will be available for sale thanks to a generous donation by Marlene Enns made in memory of writer/artist/activist Jim Wong-Chu. Jim loved Chinatown and believed that by sharing stories and food, people can learn to respect and accept each other.
November 28, 2021 – 4:30pm
Meet some of the faces who graced the covers of Roy Mah’s Chinatown News Magazine over its 42 year history.
Over four decades, North America’s longest-running English news magazine for Chinese Canadians slipped through mail slots, boosting a sense of identity and presence. On the covers of those magazines, editor Roy Mah included a bevy of beauty queens, politicians, athletes, entertainers and business people. What was Roy’s ultimate vision? Meet some of the fascinating figures he featured and hear their stories post Chinatown News celebrity.